SCIence and TECHnology for Solar System exploration

A slightly different post

In the realms of engineering and science, our achievements are greatly enhanced by the unwavering support, dedication, effort, commitment, and expertise of Fernando, Jaime and Nacho.

Nacho, Jaime and Fernando are three Scitechss talented engineers. They began their journey with us a few years ago, and it brings us immense satisfaction to share that they have now secured permanent positions. This is not merely a reward or a result of their hard work; it is a well-deserved recognition of their contributions.

A career in science or engineering can be challenging and often diverges from initial expectations. However, Scitechss can confidently say that working alongside Jaime, Fernando and Nacho will prove to be invaluable, regardless of the difficulties encountered.

We are fortunate to have them on our team. We hope they feel they are fortunate to have us in their professional horizon.

Let’s congratalute them!! Let’s congratalute Scitechss!!